Sarah Brett
Sarah Brett has been a vet in mixed practice for 36 years, which is her chosen profession and still great passion, after all these years. In recent years, though, she has also found herself in the whole new world of book publishing.
Publishing came into her life via a random series of events, as it so often does in life, when two different friends shared information with her that they had written manuscripts they were seeking to publish.
Sarah’s association with the Pickawoowoo Publishing Group ladies eventually led to her setting up Boab Books, a personal and niche publishing business.
Sarah Brett

Faye Bohling
Faye was born in Perth, Western Australia, to a unique and somewhat careless mother. Within weeks of her birth, her mother chose to leave her, with a cruel and terrifying foster carer. Over subsequent years, she spent short fragments of time with her mother Amy, before she left her in a convent institution for ‘wayward girls’. Even though she had never been wayward.
At the tender age of ten, Faye was put to work in the Home of the Good Shepherd’s vast commercial laundering operation. There she was worked like a slave and received no education. In 1950, at age twelve, her mother returned and removed her from the convent, after which she was subsequently returned to the confronting school system and expected to fit in as if she had never been away.
After meeting Ron, her childhood sweetheart and soul mate, Faye was happily married for seven years, before tragedy struck, in 1964, when he was drowned in a fishing accident at Ledge Point, north of Perth. At the time, she was pregnant with her fourth child.
Faye remarried in 1970. Although the marriage lasted twenty years, it turned out to be an unusual liaison, with difficulties she could never have predicted.
With great determination but with little formal education, Faye made a life for herself and her four children and for many years ran her own fashion business. She spent ten years as promotions and fund-raising coordinator for The Cerebral Palsy Associations Miss Australia Quest and then subsequently worked for The Autistic Association.
A strong interest in health and wellbeing later saw Faye invest time and money in studying aromatherapy and meditation.
Now a happily devoted Grandmother of seven and a Great Grandmother of three, Faye presently lives in the beautiful southwest region of WA in Dunsborough.
Faye Bohling

June Redfearne
June Redfearne is a gentle soul who is a mother of two and Grandmother of 4. Her kindness, deep compassion and genuine care shines through in everything she does. She is, undoubtedly, one of our Earth Angels and it shows in her skills as a healer.
June has dedicated a great deal of time to aged care over the last 25 years, though she herself could now qualify to retire. Instead, she chooses to share her talents with those who are so often forgotten, spending time living in with and caring for, the elderly. She continues to volunteer and work with cancer patients as a Spiritual Healer, from which she gains great rewards and joy.
June ventured off on a spiritual pilgrimage, travelling to Brazil in 2013, where a gift of greater healing power was bestowed on her for which she was extremely grateful. She strongly feels this has empowered her work with cancer patients. She has participated in many spiritual workshops and healing sessions over time, as a part of her spiritual journey and ongoing quest for knowledge.
June has been blessed with the gift of automatic writing for some time now and has channelled many powerful messages over the years for people who have lost Loved Ones.When asked to provide information about herself, June was very self-deprecating, but this is what she did want to share: I am the Writer of these books, not the Author. All I know of the Authors is that they are beautiful Spirit Beings and that I know some of their names. I have their blessings and their love and feel honoured they have chosen me to write this information to help my fellow man.
There are now 2 separate books in the channelled series I have been honoured to write. The first is a compilation of 5 small books, “Messages from The Spirit Realm: The Complete Series of 5 channelled books.” I thought this was to be my first and only volume, but then, as the world changed, I was told by Spirit I had another book to write.” Messages From the Spirit Realm: Resurrection of Mankind” has come through with some very powerful information for all of us in these current times of unrest, to help those who are confused as to which way to go.
My message is all is: no matter how old you are, don’t give up the dream of one day doing your part for the good of your fellow man and know we are all Children of the Universe and very much loved.
June Redfearne
